Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Ben is a Tosser

Well i've had a weird, slightly cack 2 days. Went to the docs. Basically lied to them. I know i shouldn't have but i didnt feel safe there. Will tell my normal doc that when i see her & prob get very shouted at. Oh well.

Managed to get out of work & go to my mates leavin drinks. Got really wasted tho. Even before i met Chris & we made it to the drinks. Jus generally had a poop day. Ben had finally decided to get in contact with me & said he needed to talk to me so kinda knew it weren't gonna be gud. So yeah, when i finished work i decided neckin a bottle of voddy was my only choice. Luckily hanky warned me Ben was out. I was off my rocker enough to not care. Drank loads more out. Then got to the stage when i couldn't stop cryin. As you do. Spent all day 2day in bed bein sick, was truly horrid. Then had to work this eve. I really don't know what i've done. It went from bein great to shit jus like that. So i'm single once more. The only thing that could cheer me up at this moment is Ben trippin up & knockin his teeth out. That would be loverly to see. Painful & embarrassin. Would make me feel a bit better at least.

What else has really pissed me off is that my fone won't recharge. To top it off, my batteries died. Could things go any worse? Gonna have to watch some tele & sew i think. If something happens to my sewin i will scream!!!!

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