Saturday, 22 May 2010

it's too sunny

I'm quite against warm weather. I don't do well in the sun - i burn and get moody. Did not enjoy working yesterday in a hot kitchen but least i'm only working in the bar for a few hours tonight, then it's drinky-poos time. Woop.

I've finished my 1st diana mini camera case that is to sell and have listed it on my etsy store. Depending on how this one sells i will decide whether to make more. I've got a holga coming soon so will have to make that a case and my flash needs housing before i break it. So many little jobs to keep me going. 

So there's the wee case.

Finally got my photos back. They were what i expected for my 1st film. A bit messed up, some a bit cruddy but some really good. I love the effect and will hopefully get better with my next films.

Sadly, i paid for the pics to be put on cd. An easy task you would think, but obviously not as i found there to only be 2 pics on the cd. A cd that cost me £2. So a pound a pic. Not a bargain in my eyes. I have sent a confused email/complaint.

So only 2 pics to show as i'm not in the mood to hand scan each photo at the moment.

I love my polo. Little cutey.

Monday, 17 May 2010

i miss gilly, linny and pandy

I've had a lovely weekend. Some mates came to stay and it was like the good old uni days. Now back to normal grown up life. Not looking forward to work tomorrow. Stupid work.

Anyways, still waiting for my pics to come back. Really hope they came out alright. Took camera out with me over weekend so more photos to get sorted. Still haven't fully finished my camera case but the bottom bit is complete.

You can't see it brilliantly but it's hand embroidered and beaded.

My Cathy Cullis brooch arrived and i love it even more. Need to find a funky frame now.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

i need to stop spending

I seriously don't like blood tests and i seem to be having a lot of them at the moment so i've been cheering myself up by treating myself. Obviously i wont feel so chipper when i realised how broke i now am, but at the moment sod it. I went a bit crazy buying some beads - but everyone needs beads. I had a little window (then buy) shop on asos. Nice new dress for the wkend *woop*. Topshop have free delivery til friday so i had a gander on there. Luckily i get paid on saturday, not that it will help.

I just bought a wonderful Cathy Cullis brooch. I've been fascinated by her stuff for a long time and thought bugger it. I'm buying one. I was good though. I saw a few pieces i liked. The main one i wanted was a 'language of dreams', but i'm too broke to get that one which is depressing. One day though. 

The piece i got i do love and was more in my range. It's called Pearly Dreamers. I think i'm going to frame it.
Ain't it gorgeous!! I'm in love.

I've not been up to much making at the mo. I'm nearly finished with my camera case and i really should take a picture of it but that involves effort which i have very little of at the moment. I decided to try and tidy my bead and sequins. I have these small'ish floral stacking boxes and thought they would be good to put my stuff in and be easy to access. Well that was the plan. I couldn't sleep last night so was sat on my bedroom floor at 4am emptying the small suitcase i have full of random beads, sequins, ribbons etc... The sequins just about fit in the smallest box. The middle box i decided not to use for crafty needs and store letters, bills and so in. And the large one i filled with seed beads. It's overflowing. I still have bags to route through that have seed beads in them so i don't know what to do. Think my letter box will be becoming a 2nd bead box. I need more boxes.